Creating an SMS 2003 CCR within Excel

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This post was previously released under a different blog and is being republished by me below. That site is no longer available. I am the original author.

I created the following function to create Microsoft SMS 2003 Client Configuration Requests from within Excel and dump them all out into a temporary directory for me to copy to the SMS inbox. For those that are unaware, you can “ask” SMS 2003 to remotely install the client by putting a CCR file into the INBOXES\CCR.BOX folder on the SMS Site server. Basically you just select your range of computer names, execute this sub, and it’ll let you know where the CCRs were generated (in a temporary folder). Just take a peek, copy them out to the CCR.BOX folder and (if SMS is setup correctly) you’re good to go!

 1Public Sub CreateSMSCCR()
 3    ' Version:          0.1 (First Release)
 4    ' Excel Version:    2003
 5    ' Language:         English
 6    ' Description:      Function that creates a CCR for SMS 2003 from Excel
 8    ' 30-Jun-2009:      Created
10    Dim r As Range
12    Dim strComputer As String
13    Dim strError As String
14    Dim strMsg As String
16    Dim fn As Integer
17    Dim tmp As String
19    tmp = Date & " " & Time
20    tmp = Replace(tmp, ":", " ")
21    tmp = Replace(tmp, "/", "-")
22    tmp = Replace(tmp, "\\", "-")
23    tmp = Environ("TEMP") & "\\XLSCCR\_" & tmp
24    MkDir (tmp)
26    For Each r In Application.Selection
28        strComputer = r.Value
30        If strComputer = "" Then
31            strError = strError & "   Skip " & r.Address & ": " & vbCrLf
32        ElseIf InStr(strComputer, Chr(32)) > 0 Then
33            strError = strError & "   Skip " & r.Adderss & ": Has Space" & vbCrLf
34        ElseIf InStr(strComputer, ".") > 0 Then
35            strError = strError & "   Skip " & r.Adderss & ": Has Period" & vbCrLf
36        Else
37            fn = FreeFile
38            Open tmp & "\\" & strComputer & ".ccr" For Output As #fn
39                Print #fn, "\[NT Client Configuration Request\]"
40                Print #fn, "Client Type=1"
41                Print #fn, "Forced CCR=TRUE"
42                Print #fn, "Machine Name=" & strComputer
43            Close #fn
44        End If
46    Next r
48    If strError <> "" Then
49        strMsg = "The following errors occured:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strError & vbCrLf
50    End If
52    strMsg = strMsg & "Successful CCRs stored in " & tmp
54    MsgBox strMsg, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "CCR Generator"
56End Sub

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