Ignoring Netware Tree or Server Error with SafeBoot

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I wrote this tip for the McAfee Community back in December 2008 and thought it would be useful to post here

With the Netware client we’re using, we found that when implementing SSO through Safeboot that if a laptop was off our network but on another network (such as home wireless) that the user would get an error regarding the tree or server not being able to be found. It asks the user if they want to continue to logon to NT without logging into Netware. This is happening because normally our users would know to check “Workstation Only” when on another network, but they don’t get this option with Safeboot. Before I explain how I did it, I’ll give the standard disclaimer that I do not work for McAfee or for Safeboot and I’m only posting this because I had to go through the motions to get this fixed anyway and I thought it might help some others out. This change may or may not be supported by McAfee. You should complete the steps on a test or proof of concept system and you should always backup any files before modifying or deleting them.

Anyway, to get around this, I modified the SbGina.ini file on the client machines as follows:

  1. Under Windows.NT.Logon added:

Note that the “Window11″ part of that needs to be sequential with your other “Windows” in that list, it should not duplicate another number and there should be no gaps in numbers. I put mine above the standard NWGina.XP.xxxx lines and moved the other numbers down, you can do yours just about however you like.

  1. Created a new section as follows. This should be completely outside of any other sections in the INI file or the other sections may not work.
2;NWGina version 4.0.91
6Window.Title=Novell Security Message

Basically this is staying that when you find a window with the title “Novell Security Message” with a Class ID of #32770 on Windows 5.1 (XP), click the “6″ button. The number 6 represents the ID of the Control that corresponds to the “Yes” option.

If you’re using a different version of the Novell client, your title or button may be different, you can try changing Trace.LogonWindowInfo setting to YES under the GLOBAL section and then reading the Trace.FileName log file (normally LOGONWND.TXT) to get the ID information.

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